What is XING? I am pretty sure you know already about LinkedIn, which is professional networking site. Main purpose of LinkedIn is to connect with like-minded professionals and make your network strong in any particular field. You can also use it find new jobs and share your field knowledge and insights with your network or learn something new about interest using groups. Coming back to Xing. It does the same work as Linkedin and it's more popular in German speaking countries or in other words under DACH region. DACH consist of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. LinkedIn is the international networking tool, which allows you to make global connections around the world. On the other hand XING is more limited in DACH region basically German speaking countries. Xing is still popular business platform in Germany, but Linkedin ist getting popular day by day. In Austria and Switzerland is Linkedin is slowly taking over Xing. How to make most out of Xing?You are reading this, that means you are in DACH region. Either working professionally or looking for some opportunities here. That's why you are interested in knowing about Xing. Xing has majority of experienced professionals with higher positions in their firms. As it's German equivalent to LinkedIn, it also works same as LinkedIn, you can create your profile on Xing, follow the businesses of your Interest. Take part in any group discussions, post your ideas and content for other people and businesses to make your presence in this professional network. As of now there are more than 18M registered professional in DACH region over XING. As you know about LinkedIn premium, you can also get some insights and statistics about your profile with Xing premium. You can update your profile with your skills and language,etc with your work and education to be visible to the recruiters. It's all about showing off your skills over such professional networking platform. By keeping your profile updated can bring you new opportunities as most of the recruiters depends on Xing and LinkedIn for their recruiting and it is also nice to have someone experienced in your network, so you can learn from them.
Main thing to observe that Xing or LinkedIn is not Facebook, so you shouldn't use it like it. It's professional networking platform, so you have to use it wisely. Use proper profile photos, don't pose rubbish internet junk on your profile, put your details responsibly. Make suitable connections, follow companies you admire, rest your network will work for you, and it will bring some new opportunities for you. All the best. Happy Networking. -Ankit Sheladiya |