![]() Germany is getting popular for higher studies in whole world due to it's quality education and low tuition fees. Apart from that students are allowed to work 120 half and 240 full days in a year to finance their studies. There is an arrangements known as block account where every international students need to deposit funds needed to deposit to ensure the survival and costs of living in Germany. As the corona crisis is getting over the world, and Germany at the moment. Many cafes, Restaurant, Theaters and shops are fully or partially closed due to this lock down situation. There are not enough jobs this students can do at the moment. Many students are depended on this part time job to finance their study. More than half of the students are depended on this income. This situation creates a major financial problems as most of them are into temporary jobs and they do not get any financial security during such crisis. There are demands from the local university student political groups to look into this matter and provide some sort of emergency funds to the needy one in crisis like this. The students can not even fly to their parents due to lock down situation in almost many countries. I am being a former student from India, I can speak of many students who are facing such issues and can not ask for funds from their parents and now here they can not make up for the fund needed to pay their rent and other needed expenses. This is the story of the students from countries like eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Students with weak financial situation are under stress and worried about their survivals. ![]() Emergency funds from DAAD and Studentenwerk Thankfully German authorities have planned emergency funds for the students in financial crisis. This information can be seen from the university and Studentenwerk websites. Normally students can apply it for 2-3 times maximum, and which is the emergency fund which does not needed to be returned but it's only in case of real emergency. There are information about the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) about helping international students in the crisis. I have attached the link below about the emergency funds from my university HAW Hamburg and I am pretty sure about such funds and arrangements in each German universities. In case of any emergency financial situation one can always contact the international office and seek the needed the help. Indian students in Germany As of now most universities have postponed their sommer semester and some has started their semester with online classes only. If any Indian students are facing trouble at the moment they can contact the above methods common to the all international students. Apart from that there are Indian associations in most of the cities and universities which are kept in constant contact with Indian embassy. They can surely give you ear or try to help you out in appropriate manner. Please follow the official Information from the authorities and avoid panic and stay safe. Hi, I am Ankit Sheladiya.
I am doing B.tech in automobile engineering from CGPIT, Bardoli. I have created this site for sharing knowledge about the automobile industry, Welcome, this is my first post... Welcome, all automobile engineers... Ankit Sheladiya Edit#1 P.s This was my first blog post though it looks stupid now I would still keep at as a memory for myself from 2020. It was the beginning of my website and blogging, as every tom dik and herry I had no idea how this thing works, but with the principle of learning by doing. Now in January 2020, I want to make my website great again...In between, I was somewhere hyperactive with the websites and have uploaded many stupid things and some useful things as well. I was new into copywriting or you can say ghostwriting so you will find some article very similar to popular web portals, though I am trying to get rid of them now, this edit is also serving the same purpose. As you can see in this post I even didn't use the hyperlink feature, just posted the link without any explanation. As during that time I was starting with my engineering in Automobile field, was very excited and want to express those excitements with my classmates. This blog was born because of that excitement of mine before 9 years. In the beginning sol purpose of this blog was to create a website which can compete with automotive websites like Overdrive, Bike.in, Autocar and other famous automotive blogs of that time. I was doing this on my own"One Man Army". In between, I was finding articles from all over the internet and was re-posting them on my blog. As I grew older with my Blog, I understood that content is king, but original content is Godfather. So somewhere when I was again super active with my blog, I created some semi-original content from my travel experience and my suggestions and tips for newcomer students. So I lost focus of this Blog from that point and now I am writing multi-subject in a not so famous Blog. Name M4D was part my life since 2009-10, in the beginning, it was kind of slang word in my language used by my first friend circle at my B.Tech institute, somehow from that word I made this short word, as I knew with some volunteering work at domain seller and marketers, that short domain has bigger market values, only dumb but at that time economically viable solution was m4dmotors.in at 99 Rs. I launch this website officially at my university during a presentation skill workshop, where everyone needs to present in front of the class, teaching staff and other students will give them feedback....even that PPT from the first semester I have uploaded on this website's download section. I was asked during the presentation what is the full form of the website name...I made up the name ''Mad 4 Dreamers" which was kind of adaptable at that time. Now as I am planning to convert this blog into an education counselling website specifically for Germany as I know the path and enough experience to guide the prospective student. This was not part of the m4d groups legacy, we had a group with proper structure at that time. I had every single profile of m4d groups member on this site...I lost two of them in a fatal accident and suddenly my m4d groups scattered as we can not bear the presence of others with the absence of those two-member, one of them was behind the origin of this m4d term. After almost 9 years I am changing the cores of this blogsite. I hope if I get adequate success as I got on my Quora profile, someone will read this post and can compare what growth looks like by comparing the first-ever blog to this first post for the makeover of this website. Welcome to my World, My Blog, My life. Looking forward to great stories together. Ankit SHELADIYA 18.01.2020 |