Corona or Covid-19 outbreak is there since the December last year, the spread was started in Wuhan and as of now is affecting 163 countries and territories around the world including a cruise ship harboured in Yokohama, Japan. This is the high time when the whole world needs to think more than the stocking toilet papers. The virus itself is not that harmful, but the panic and stupidity of many people are. It's the time when we need to support the steps suggested by scientists and the government to control the spread with the target in mind to eliminate it. We all should be stop complaining about the travel restrictions and some other nominal issues for the god's sake. The whole world is in the fight against covid-19 (Corona Virus), which is spreading throughout the globe exponentially. It's not the individual diseases as it is affecting the whole system, let it be a financial system, medical system, even out social system. This virus has the incubation period from 1-14 days as per the WHO, even after that Symptoms are mild in most of the cases. Even without noticing any symptoms one can infect other people in close contact circle. Older people and people with existing sickness and low immunity mainly related to lungs and breathing issues are at higher risk. Young people can fight back the virus with good immunity, to say the virus itself is not that fatal, but it's highly infectious. if we see the figures in Italy the number of infected cases increased drastically, from 157 on 23rd Feb 2020 to 31,506 on 17th March on the day of writing this post. In less than 3 weeks the numbers went from a hundred to thousands. This creates the problems with the resource allocation and now the doctors in Italy need to decide to save the patient as per the chances of survival, by letting the old and low immunity people dying or leaving them on God's hand. India has done well in her fight against Corona outbreak, and even in the airlifting the Indian citizens from the affected areas. India has also emerged as the leader in the SAARC nations in the fight against this global pandemic. As of now, India has reported 142 total cases till now. As per the data from the countries like China,Italy and Germany, we are in the initial stage, and we have maximum two-three weeks to control this number and keep it as low as possible. In case we are not able to control this number, we as a nation with the world's second-largest population will be in really big trouble. In our case, the outbreak can record the very high spike and cases will be in Lakhs instead of thousands. There should be no ignorance of these facts. Until now as seen in Europe even the developed or first world countries have difficulties containing the infection. Their medical systems are considered superior to ours with more doctors per million people, still, they are facing the problems with the covid 19. We as a nation stand far below in terms of numbers related to medical resources needed to fight back the outbreak. The only thing we can do as of now is to be supporting the government and following WHO guidelines to spread the infections. Don't travel unnecessarily, especially if you are in Europe's affected area, you never know you can bring infection to India and kill the innocent people. Support the decision of travel ban to India for the next 30 days, this will be the needed crucial contribution from your side to India and Humanity as well. Stop domestic and international travel and any social gathering, everything can wait. There will be more occasions in future once we defeat this #Corona virus. These travel ban or 30 days will be very crucial against the fight to corona outbreak in the Indian subcontinent. Work from home if possible and stay calm and don't panic, instead take the needed precautions to save your family and neighbours. This is the time to act as a responsible citizen. Nothing will be achieved from politics and fake news or propaganda on Social media. #corona #covid19 #Indiaagainstcorona #pandemic ![]() |